Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Student Blog Challenge- Week 2

This week's challenge was to create an avatar that represents you. My avatar looks nothing like me, besides the hair. The hair color, style and length is about right. The rest of my avatar isn't that accurate but it looks better than when I tried to make it based on how I actually looked, it made my avatar look weird. My avatar may not look much like me but it has my personality. I look quite and innocent, but I'm outgoing, talkative, picky, and smart. My avatar looks so friendly but in real life I naturally look like that but I'm not actually all that friendly. I'm a negative person, I tend to look at almost everything the wrong way or in other words I look towards the bad side instead of the positive side. I'm also mean to people , I like to mess with people and just have fun with it.

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