Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Incorporating Technology in Class

           I think that incorporating technology in all classes is a good idea. Since many students are surrounded by technology new and old, they might be more familiar with the different applications and use of technology. Students may be able to get work done easier and faster then your average paper and pencil. 
           In Leadership we have different jobs everyday. One job we do is "Before the Bell" this is when we play music and say announcements. For this job we use speakers so that the music and announcements can be heard everywhere in the courtyard, ipods for music, and a mixer.Another job we do involves computers. We use this certain computer to make every student's ID. We also do a live broadcast every morning once school starts that is shown on the TVs in each classroom. The way we turn in assignments for leadership usually through computers. In leadership we use computers daily, so we're kind of use to the different applications and how the computer works. A way we turn in assignments is on our Google website and our Blogger. I think turning in work through computers is much more faster because I type a little faster then the way I write and if I ever need help I can go on Webgrader, Email, Facebook, or even Tumblr and ask for it, instead of not getting the work done at home because I don't understand something.
         In my other classes technology is hardly used. The only source of technology we use in my other classes is the ELMO and the lights. The ELMO is very useful for teachers and students, especially when the teacher teaches a lesson and it projects on to a big screen that everyone can see. I think that it's a waste to just let all the technology around us go to no use. Using the computers in other classes is a start to incorporate more technology in classes. Instead of writing essays maybe we can type them out so they are more neat. No printer, no worry. There's something called email that can be used to send your teachers your assignment. NO email, then plan b it is. Use a flash drive. Save your work on to the flash drive and put it on the computers at school. 
          As you have probably noticed almost everything we do has to deal with technology. So I think it would be a really good idea to start incorporating more technology in other classes besides our leadership classs.

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